Learning about strings is one of the most important things you can expect as a programmer working in Python. Whether interacting with users, working with text, or generating messages, you will always be dealing with strings. Now that you know this, our blog will help you understand string concepts in detail, with some straightforward methods that will make your coding journey smoother.
Basics of Strings?
A string is simply a sequence of characters enclosed in single quotes ('
), double quotes ("
), triple single quotes ('''
), or triple double quotes ("""
). In Python, creating a string is easy, you just place your characters inside any of these quotes.
Here is an example⬇️
So in the image above, greeting is a string that contains the text "Hello, World!".
Easy, right?
String Methods
Python opens many ways by which you can change or even get information about a string. These methods assist you in posing questions regarding your string or making adjustments at a higher frequency. It’s time to look at some of the most common string methods with examples for better understanding. Let’s start with counting substrings.
Counting Substrings
Sometimes you may need the number of times that a certain substring was found in the given string. For that, Python provides the .count()
Here’s how it works⬇️
In this example, you see the substring "a" appears three times in the string "banana" right?
Lets move to the Next
Uppercasing and Lowercasing Strings
Owing to problem-solving efforts by Python developers, we have at our disposal two methods for changing the case of our strings: .upper()
and .lower()
. These are useful for formatting text consistently.
Observe how it is done here⬇️
Finding Substrings
If you want to know exactly where in a string a specific substring can be found, you can use the .find()
method. This method returns the position of the beginning of the first occurrence of the passed substring, or -1
if the substring is not found.
See it play out here⬇️
Splitting Strings into a List
There are times when you might wish to split a string into parts. The .split()
method allows you to do this by separating a string into an array of strings based on a specified delimiter (which can be a character or a space).
See it come to life here⬇️
Joining Strings
When you are done splitting strings, you might wish to join them again to form a single string. For this purpose, you should use the .join()
method. This function consumes a list of strings and produces a single string with a specified separator.
Here is more context⬇️
The biggest thing to remember is that strings are a big part of programming in Python, and understanding all the things you can do with them will definitely make your life much easier. With methods like .count()
, .upper()
, .find()
, .split()
, and .join()
, among others, you can manipulate text and improve applications.
So feel free to experiment with strings in your next Python-related project, and with our course that will hold you by the hand to become a pro Python user. These courses are not just handy; theyare also very entertaining. Check them out here.