You’ve probably heard the word 'Python language' and thought about where to start.
Why is everyone talking about Python, and is it that good?
You have probably tried learning or heard about programming languages like Java or C++ and got stuck by the syntax. You are not alone in this loop so here is all you need to know about Python.
What is Python?
Python is a programming language that’s simple, readable and has features that make coding easy for web development (server-side), software development, mathematics, and system scripting purposes. First off, Python is a beast when it comes to creating web applications, building something simple, or scaling it up to handle a lot of traffic. Python starts to flex when it comes to automation. You can pair it with other software and instantly create workflows that save you time, and this includes automating sending out emails or managing files. And speaking of files, Python connects to databases easily, helping to store and recover data like a pro. I’m going to walk you through Python and its comparison with other programming languages like Java, C++, and countless others.
Python and comparison with other programming languages
Having earlier established that Python makes coding simple and readable, python’s comparison with other programming languages like Java and C++ is distinct. Java and C++ require you to be very specific about things like variable types but Python just lets you jump right in and get things done fast for projects and prototypes. Compared to Java, and C++ where you spend time managing things like memory allocation, strict variable declarations, or whatnot, Python handles that for you so you can focus on writing code and save time.
Now, you might be wondering how to get all the best tools for Python in one place. That’s where Anaconda comes in.
Installation of Anaconda Distribution Package
Setting up Python can be a mess, and for many people going into data science or machine learning, this is sometimes a major roadblock.
So this is where the Anaconda Distribution package comes in.
Anaconda is a package that bundles Python with all the tools you need, like libraries for data analysis and machine learning (literally Python on steroids!). With the Anaconda distribution package installed, you don’t need to worry about your computer’s existing Python setup; Anaconda creates a separate environment just for you. Install it, and you are good to go.
Variables and Data Types in Python
Python is flexible, and that’s what makes it awesome. In some languages, you have to tell the computer exactly what kind of data you’re using. But in Python? You can just say, “Here’s a number,” or “Here’s some text,” and Python will figure it out for you.
So let me explain some terms for you below.
Integers are whole numbers, e.g. 5.
Floats are numbers with decimals, e.g. 3.14.
Strings are text, like saying "Hello World!" in code.
Booleans are straightforward too i.e. either True or False
Have you noticed how Python is just so easy?
Now that you understand variables and data types, let’s talk about operators
Operators - Arithmetic, Comparison, Assignment operators, and Operator Precedence
Operators let you perform actions on variables and values.
Let’s break down Python operators a bit more to make things clearer! Arithmetic Operators: These are your tools for basic math.You’ve got the addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) operators. They help you perform calculations with ease. For example, if you want to find the sum of 5 and 3, write 5 + 3, and Python will give you 8.
Comparison Operators: These help you compare values. You can check if two values are equal with ==, or see if they’re not equal with !=.
You can also use > to find out if one value is greater than another or < for the opposite. So, if you want to check if 5 is greater than 3, you write 5 > 3, and Python will return True!
Assignment Operators: When you need to set or update a variable’s value, assignment operators work great. The = operator is for assigning a value, while += lets you add a value to an existing variable. For instance, if you have x = 5 and you want to add 3 to it, you would write x += 3, which updates x to 8.
Just so you know
Python follows the same math rules you learned in school! This means multiplication is performed before addition.
So, when you see an expression like 2 + 3 * 4, Python calculates it as 2 + 12, giving you 14, not 20.
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